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Helping you find freedom and power in discovering your unique way of being a woman

Body-oriented psychotherapy


Do you get the feeling there’s something missing?


Others see you as successful, but you might be…

  • Feeling the dull pain of living a life that sometimes doesn’t even feel like yours

  • Realising you are sacrificing parts of yourself in order to fit in, leaving you feeling empty

  • Avoiding deeper connection with yourself and others for reasons you don’t understand

  • Feeling stuck with nothing in your life moving

  • Noticing your irritation and realise it might have a connection to minimising your feelings in order to keep others happy

  • Aware you’re repeating the same unhelpful patterns over and over


Discover the deeper mystery of your life

Access your strong inner knowing

Your inner whispers help and guide you… learn to listen and befriend the inner voice and your body to develop feminine strength and courage

Live life in a way that is aligned with your deeper self

When you uncover deeper parts of yourself, your relationship with yourself deepens and you can move towards the life you want

Be a part of the collective change

There’s power when we each find our own way of being a woman and refuse to live by other’s ideas and expectations


I know what it’s like to feel like ‘something’ is not quite right and not know what that ‘something’ is. My own journey of discovery and re-discovery led me back to myself, my body, my heart and my own unique self. Now I am here to be with others as they come home to themselves.

- Bec x


What others say about Bec

I have worked closely with Bec for individual counselling for over 12 months now. During this time, she has guided me through incredible personal transformation and emotional release. Bec takes a highly personalised and nurturing approach, creating a safe space to explore and bring acceptance to deeper aspects of the self. I would not hesitate to recommend Bec to anyone wishing to deepen their spiritual practice and live a more authentic life
— Lucy, Australia, ACT
Bec is a gifted, intuitive guide that holds great space for transformation through somatic experiencing and the imaginal realm. I feel at ease with her and am able to drop-in to the work quickly as I resonate deeply with the way Bec’s sessions go. I would definitely recommend her to friends.
— Client, Canada, BC
In my time working with Bec, I have found her approach to be compassionate and intuitive; she understands what my body needs to tell me and, in our sessions, she gently guides me towards a depth of understanding and connection within my body I have not experienced with other counsellors. I have very much enjoyed working with Bec and would highly recommend her for anyone interested in deepening their body/mind connection.
— Educator, Canada
I’ve been working with Bec for over two years now (what a blessing!!), when we first started I really needed counselling, I was feeling lost and rudderless. Bec helped me out of a dark place by reconnecting with my body and my dreams and creating a little internal universe. Beyond that dark place, the work we do has helped me to create a life that feels authentic and buzzing with life - the work initially helped me out of a hole, but since then we have been building a castle. It’s difficult to put words to the internal changes, and the lived experience of consistently having more space and internal reserves - it’s a beautiful and humbling experience. I would recommend Bec to anyone who’s ready to enjoy their lives more!
— Maddie, Canada, BC
As Bec Simone’s counseling supervisor and associate, I found her work with clients to be profoundly grounded in the body, facilitating effective emotional release and integration. I highly recommend her for her transformative impact and deep commitment to her clients’ well-being.
— Dr Stacey Shelby, Author, Speaker & depth psychotherapist

Now is your time… here’s how it works

  1. Book a free 15-minute intro session: we can see if we are a good fit over an online call.

  2. Start the journey: we begin to meet together in-person or online, regularly for a one-hour, where you are invited to come exactly as you are in that moment

  3. See the change: this is depth work, so we honour the time needed, and we watch and enjoy the flow of discovering and re-discovering


I know you want to feel the freedom and power that comes with discovering and expressing your own unique way of being a woman


In order to do this, you know you need to make a commitment to really get to know yourself.

The problem is that to get there, the answers often seem just beyond your reach, which can make you feel frustrated, lonely or helpless.

I believe that no woman should have to accept that frustration, loneliness and helplessness are inevitable. Rather, I understand that these feelings are signals of something far greater and deeper, because I have been through this process myself and devote myself to learning all there is to know about women’s journeys.

That is why at Body Breath Voice, I am here to help women uncover the wisdom of their body and discover ways of making the invisible visible. I will work with you to access your own unique self.

If you’re ready to make the commitment to yourself, the first step is to book a free 15-minute online call with me where we can see if we’re a fit. The next step is to begin the process through regular consultation with me in person (online options are available also). And finally in your own time, as you uncover the mystery of you, you begin to make and see changes in your life, in a kind of spiral dance that is the feminine way.

So, book a free consultation now so you can move away from living a life that doesn’t feel like yours and work towards the freedom and power that comes with living a life that is aligned with your unique nature.


Make a commitment to yourself


If you know you’re ready to work one-on-one, find the details below and then… let’s get started.

  • Sessions are $125 AUD for one hour.

  • In-person sessions are held in Curtin, ACT.

  • Online sessions are available.

If you’re not ready for an individual session, consider coming along to a group gathering.


About Bec and her approach

I work with women who are navigating transitions in their life so that they can discover or rediscover their own unique way of being.

My approach is body-oriented, which means paying attention to the whole of the individual, not only words spoken, but also unconscious patterns and the feelings and sensations in the body. My offering is guided by person-centred therapy, contemplative practices, narrative psychology, process-oriented psychology and depth psychology.

“Womens' outer lives are rarely led along trajectories towards unchanging goals. They are complex patterns of task, passions and responsibilities that intentionally live in response to changing demands.”

Mary Catherine Bateson