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Bring more depth and meaning to your life with full moon and seasonal group gatherings


It doesn’t take much for life to feel like the same thing over and over. We often feel the pressure of having to produce… results, income, lifestyle, spiritual pursuits. Whatever it is, you might be feeling like whatever you do, it never seems to be enough. 

When (and if) you have time to look back and reflect, you know that there is an ache for something more, something more that you can’t describe…

What if you could be in a space that gave you the opportunity for a natural pause to rest and reflect?

Join Alisha and Bec’s full moon and seasonal gatherings, where we will: 

  • learn how to connect more deeply to our cyclical nature as we align with monthly and seasonal rhythms including the current astrological influences 

  • be guided into self-reflective and contemplative practices allowing us to listen to our own inner guidance and identify what is wanting to emerge through us 

  • be held in a safe and supportive environment by trained professionals as we navigate the challenging task of releasing blocks and patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving us

  • experience insight as we allow in the new to come in, reclaim lost parts of ourselves and rediscover what is already within us 

  • be a part of a community of like-minded individuals that are inspired to change and grow who will in turn inspire the communities they are a part of.

We both have experienced what it’s like to not live in alignment with our own unique rhythms…

“I have found that around the time of the full moon, what I was experiencing would be amplified, making it often feel tumultuous. What I came to understand is that the energies of the full moon can help us move towards the completion or resolution of something in our lives. I have been working with the seasonal shifts and cycles for some time now to release impediments and create more space for greater peace and harmony and I now bring this to the monthly and seasonal gatherings.” – Alisha Lana Rose, sound healer and art therapist

“I know what it’s like to have a full and hectic life and for my own self-care and contemplative practices to diminish or become non-existent. I’d feel depleted, dysregulated and restless, but I found I was always able to recalibrate at the seasonal shifts. As I became more aware of honouring the seasonal shifts, I found that I started to honour my own natural rhythms and cycles. I bring this experience to these monthly and seasonal gatherings” – Bec Simone, psychotherapist, yoga teacher, astrologer in training

The full moon gatherings (Wednesday evenings 7-8.30pm)

Taking place on the evening of the full moon or the Wednesday closest to the full moon, from 7-8.30pm.

At the gathering, you will:

  • cultivate a connection to your inner voice through various inner work practices helping you to feel stronger in your own knowing 

  • contemplate the ancient concept of ‘as above, so below’ using current astrological patterns as a guide which helps us consciously participate in the larger order   

  • have opportunity to be witnessed, just as you are, in your most present experience giving you a sense of belonging and security 

  • experience the deep nourishment of sound healing meditations to restore, replenish and ground back into your true nature. 

2024 dates

  • Wed 24 April, 7-8.30pm 

  • Wed 22 May, 7-8.30pm

  • Wed 17 July, 7-8.30pm

  • Wed 21 Aug, 7-8.30pm

  • Wed 16 Oct, 7-8.30pm

  • Wed 13 Nov, 7-8.30pm 

During the months where there is a seasonal change the full moon gathering will be replaced with a full day seasonal gathering.

Where: Space 42, 7/42 Geils Court Deakin West ACT 2600 (there is ample free parking).
Price: Single gathering is $45

Seasonal full day gatherings (Saturdays 10-4pm)

The full day gatherings take place on the equinox or solstice. At these gatherings you will: 

  • cultivate a connection to your inner voice through various inner work practices helping you to feel stronger in your own knowing 

  • feel the freedom of allowing yourself to be fully in your body, through kundalini yoga practices

  • explore how to open yourself up to the wisdom within, and access a different kind of ‘knowing’ through authentic movement practices

  • contemplate the ancient concept of ‘as above, so below’ using current astrological patterns as a guide which helps us consciously participate in the larger order   

  • engage all of your senses creatively using different modalities such as music, meditation, active imagination, writing, poetry, and drawing through expressive arts therapy, making manifest our inner subjective world of thoughts and feelings into an external art form 

  • have opportunity to be witnessed, just as you are, in your most present experience giving you a sense of belonging and security 

  • experience a musically oriented sound journey specifically designed to harness the energies of the current seasons. Using state of the art brainwave rhythm technology harmonically blended with balanced carrier tones, vocal hymns, all interlaced within a live soundscape performed by Alisha. 

Be sustained and replenished throughout the day with wholefoods, plant-based (gluten free options) for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. 

Plus you’ll leave with a special gift! Continue the self-nurturing you have embarked upon with a take home momento from our day of shared regeneration. 

2024 dates

Spring equinox: Saturday 21 Sept, 10am-4pm

Summer solstice Saturday 21 Dec, 10am-4pm

Where: Space 42, 7/42 Geils Court Deakin West ACT 2600 (there is ample free parking).

Price: single gathering for $195 (early bird) or $230 full price.


Sound is a powerful healing modality as it can rearrange molecular structure, and shape matter itself.

Sound is also the carrier wave for our consciousness i.e. our intent (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or purpose) and can be encoded onto the frequencies/vibrations of acoustic instruments and our own voices in order to amplify our healing intentions.
