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Reclaim your

feminine essence

A six week individual journey of aliveness & power


This life you’re living… does it feel like yours?

It’s common for women to reach a point where they wonder how they got here and where the woman they once were has gone.

Maybe you…

  • are at a ‘crossroads’ point in your life

  • feel deeply tired from ‘doing it all’

  • are in the midst of a big life transition

  • notice that your spark has been dulled by life’s circumstances

  • experience a sense of detachment from your life, body (or parts of your body)

  • are seeking ‘something’, but can’t name it, or seem to find it

  • sometimes feel like there is something wrong with you

  • feel that life seems like it is just one crisis after another

Whatever is true for you… you just KNOW that the time for a change is now… but maybe you don’t have a sense of which direction to take


 Reconnect to your life force and power

In this six-week individual journey, you’ll reconnect to life through your senses, imagination, body, breath and mind. Through this guided reconnection to your feminine essence, you’ll be deeply nourished and will encounter a renewed vitality.

It will open the door for you to experience the freedom that comes from reconnecting with you!


What others are saying…

‘My journey has literally changed my life. Bec held the space so beautifully and with such strong intention. The shift of energy within me happened quickly and was incredibly powerful.’

— Dee, NSW


What is feminine power?

Tantric traditions tell us that all power comes from an essentially feminine inner source - from Shakti and the inner masculine - Shiva - is the source of consciousness, awareness. When these two energies come together there is full creative empowerment.

Sacred feminism wants to embrace everything that is beautiful in the feminine as well as everything that is terrifying. It wants you, whether you are a man or woman, to learn to see and embody these qualities in yourself
— Sally Kempton

We begin by first finding our place of feminine power within our own body, and in this immersive individual journey, we will do this by connecting to our body by awakening elemental awareness.

The elemental forces of the universe are earth, water, fire, earth and ether and they are embodied within every dimension of our being.

You will be guided to reconnect with the elemental rhythms within you, activating and aligning with each element, paying particular attention to the elements that are ever changing, evolving and flowing, those associated with the Divine Feminine and physical creation.

This is for women who are ready to dive in deep!

The details…

In each session, we enter the sacred container of therapeutic work with a focus on a single element to guide our session.

We allow what is most present for you to come through, using depth-oriented counselling, guided body movement and contemplative practice, yogic postures, visualisation, breath work, and relaxation.

Sessions are one-on-one and held weekly either online or in-person. In-person is available in Curtin, ACT. All sessions begin in the week of 14 October 2024.

Your journey runs for six consecutive weeks.

In each 1 hour 30 min session you will experience the vibrancy, deep healing and transformation that is possible through reconnection to your body through Kundalini yoga and womb yoga practices, body awareness practices and meditation.

Each week you will also receive a personalised at home practice and meditations as well as readings and questions for contemplation.

who is this journey suited to?

This journey is suitable for beginners and for those with more experienced with yoga or inner work practices. You will be met where you are at.

what this journey isn’t

Although this journey dives into the depths, it is not a quick fix! What I can promise is that it will be an opening to the feminine and the wisdom of your body. During this time, you may well experience changes and shifts but soul work does not adhere to six-week increments - it takes the time that it takes!

This journey is the beginning of your commitment to your own sacred feminine power.


  1. Pay as you go: $150 AUD each week.

  2. Pay upfront: total of $750 AUD to save $150.

what you receive

  • 6 x 1.5 hour weekly in-person or online sessions (starting week of 14 Oct to week of 18 Nov)

  • Personalised home yoga practice

  • Weekly recorded guided meditations

  • Weekly readings and resources on the elements and how they relate to your journey


Are you ready?

If this six-week journey is calling you the first step is to express you interest by booking an online chat with me. We’ll discuss where you are at to ensure that this is suitable for your needs.

If we agree to go forward together, we begin! Your will start in the week of 14 October 2024.


A bit about me…

My own journey of discovery and re-discovery led me back to myself, my body, my heart and my own unique self.

After practicing different styles of yoga for almost 15 years I found resonance with Kundalini yoga, Tantric philosophy and shamanism. My journey continued as I became a yoga teacher and now a psychotherapist.

I work with women who are navigating life transitions so that they can discover or rediscover their own unique way of being.

My approach is body-oriented, which means paying attention to the whole of the individual, not only words spoken, but also unconscious patterns and the feelings and sensations in the body.